Tuesday, 19 July 2011


SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES  : This link highlights the latest advancements and acievments in the feild of  School Educational Supplies.

SCHOOL LAB EQUIPMENT  : The Link fulfills even the most smallest needs & requirements in the school labs and hence covers each and every part of School Lab Equipments.

WATER & SOIL TESTING KITS : 5 Types of water & soil analysis kits have been described in here showing each and every testing parameter by the means of  Water & Soil Testing Kits .

PLASTIC LABWARE : Plastic labware supplies constitute of a very wider range of plastic labware consumables. Hence detailed description of every product can be had from this link Plastic Labware Supplies .

Friday, 8 July 2011


Chemistry Lab Supplies by Acumen Labware are Best in class. Chemistry Lab Supplies  have been an important vertical of Acumen Labware since it has ventured into the school lab supplies business. Chemistry Lab Supplies need utmost care while in the manufacturing process as the Chemistry Lab Supplies products need to be highly accurate and precise for being used in the laboratories. Chemistry Lab Supplies majorly comprise of laboratory glassware, laboratory plasticware and many other chemistry lab equipments.

                   "LOW COST-BEST QUALITY"
                    CHEMISTRY LAB SUPPLIES
                         ACUMEN LABWARE

Thursday, 7 July 2011


Bulk Science Lab Supplies by Science lab suppliers i.e Acumen Labware are highly appreciated among various science labs globally. It is quite perceptible that when intense deftness goes into the making of Science Lab Supplies the apparent result is high quality products and is quite evident once these science lab supplies are in the production line of Acumen Labware. Apart from high quality our science lab supplies product range connotes immaculate accuracy.

                 "LOW COST-BEST QUALITY"
                     SCIENCE LAB SUPPLIES
                        ACUMEN LABWARE

Today Acumen Labware is considerd as the panacea of all Science Lab Supplies  needs of any Educational Institution.

Sunday, 3 July 2011


School Education Supplies & needs are fully catered by Acumen Labware. School Education Supplies constitute of a very wide range of products ranging from laboratory glassware, biology models, physics labware, Chemistry lab supplies. Realizing the supreme school education supplies is the highest goal achievable by any supplier and this requires tremendous effort. As a preparatory step individual needs should be realized and identified to produce immaculate  School Education Supplies. Acumen Labware has acieved this goal by moving on the path of ingenuity and hence producing ultimate quality  School Education Supplies

            ACUMEN LABWARE